CryoFill 2.0 Medical Device

The CryoFill 2.0 is the next generation liquid nitrogen level controller with a number of improved and new features. The CryoFill 2.0 is Medical Device Regulation (MDR) (EU) 2017/745 compliant. As well as the ability to have a real time remote read out of relevant data via an alarming and/or monitoring system.

New features

  • MDR Class IIa medical device.
  • Larger, better and more user friendly 4.3” colour touchscreen display with a resolutions of 480×320
  • Real-time remote read out, compatible with several monitoring systems.
  • One Fill All Fill filling sequence
  • (master slave configuration)
  • High temperature control

The CryoFill 2.0 can be used for controlling the liquid nitrogen level for any storage type, either conventional gas phase or the so called “dry” gas phase, with an absolute separation between the samples and liquid nitrogen, or full liquid phase. The CryoFill 2.0 can easily retrofitted to existing cryogenic storage vessels of any brand or type.


CryoFill 2.0 User Manual

CryoFill 2.0 Datasheet