Contronics SCANLOG

The scanlog is the central display, alarm and control station for a network of alarmlog and dualog loggers. A large clear display makes it easy to understand what is happening. Menu selectionusing fi ve pushbuttons means that everyone fi nds the system simple to use. The scanlog is completely self contained and doesn’t rely on a PC for its operation. When out of limit conditions occur, the scanlog generates both audible and visual alarms, and tells you exactly what is happening. No cryptic fault codes or unrecognisable channel numbers. You defi ne the title and the error messages displayed for alarms at each location. The time, date and details of each alarm are also recorded in a separate event log. Anyone can mute an alarm, but it can’t be ignored. It will re-alarm after a preset time. Only staff with an alarm key can cancel an alarm. The system provides true continuous logging. The loggers take a measurement every 4 seconds even if your logging interval is 1 hour. They store the worst case value measured during each logging interval. Free Windows PC software displays, analyses, prints and archives your logged data.

